Kayak adventure in Lagos

Come and join us for 3 fun packed hours of adventure, exploration and excitement in and around the magnificent Lagos grottos.

Leaving from Batata beach we travel south following the stunning Lagos coast line. On our way we visit some of the smaller less accessible grottos and caves and get a chance to see the unspoilt areas that boats cannot. Once round Ponta da Piedade at the light house we visit the infamous pirates caves and the giant blow holes which have been formed over the centuries. On our way back we stop at one of the smaller beaches, snorkel or swim for a while and then return to base up to 3 hours later where the ship wreck bar awaits.

Daily departures, all year round, if weather and sea conditions allow.

3 hour tour: 35 euro

Bookings and inquiries: toursandtracks@mail.telepac.pt

Associação de defesa do património cultural e ambiental do Algarve

 Associação turismo do Algarve

Biking Breaks

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tours & tracks algarve Avenida da Liberdade, 144 Albufeira 8200-002
+351 289 589 048
+351 962 301 870